On 12.12.2014 19:32, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Dirk Bächle <tshor...@gmx.de <mailto:tshor...@gmx.de>> wrote:

    On 12.12.2014 18:43, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:


        It would be a little odd to have our code at bitbucket and our
        wiki at github, but if github's wiki engine/editor is way
        better, I'd consider it.  After all our wiki has been a
        separate thing for years already.

    Ahh, I can already see where you're going with this.... ;)

You're thinking I want to move _everything_ to github I bet. Actually, no. I do like git better than mercurial, it's true; but bitbucket seems to have fine git support these days so I'm agnostic on that.
I was just teasing there... :)

I really just want to get the wiki back up soon, and not have to think about it anymore for a while :-). If someone proposes some other code-oriented wiki site I'd be just as happy to use that for the wiki.

I really don't want to be the pessimist in this round, but I'd like to point out what's on the other side of the equation when we switch to a VCS-based editing of the Wiki: Someone has to accept (and review?) all the incoming pull requests. And you can't simply mark persons "trustworthy for the future", as with the ApprovalQueue. So you have to accept/merge each time...just sayin'.


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