
On 10.04.2016 20:56, Bill Deegan wrote:

Here's what I propose.
1. Merge scons_python3 down to default.  It's o.k if it's broken for a bit. We 
can always do bug fixes out of rel_2.5.0 branch if
needed and merge those down.
2. I'm o.k. with many tests failing when merged down to default. Python 2/3 is 
a major project and move forward for SCons.  As far
as fixing those embedded code strings, I'd like to see a pull request per fix 
(so it's easy to review).   If we're talking about
moving them to the new test fixtures  (see: "working with fixtures" in
https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons/wiki/DeveloperGuide/TestingMethodology), I'm 
all for that.

+1 from me (as described in my latest mail to scons-dev). But we still need to fit "stubprocess.py" into the schedule somewhere...sorry for repeating this over and over again. But I still think it's crucial to have it, in order to finally shake off the "SCons is slow" rumours completely.



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