I think the issue of print was discussed before. I had stated I had some stuff 
in Parts to deal with this, ie a API for outputting data. I recall someone 
saying make it a library SCons could depend on. I have not finished that but do 
have it underway, latest version is in the work of me separating my testing 
code in Parts into a separate module. If interested you can find the code here:




The code is not 100% done, as such I have not made it a separate pip 
installable module yet.. but it pretty close.


I agree that since SCons does not provide an API for outputting information, 
and SCons have not released a injected print() api for people to migrate to 
this will be a big deal for many people using scons at the moment as there 
scripts will break. We might want to consider this before making a new drop. 
This could be a show stopper for a lot of people.




From: Scons-dev [mailto:scons-dev-boun...@scons.org] On Behalf Of Gary 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 7:59 AM
To: SCons Dev List <scons-dev@scons.org>
Subject: [Scons-dev] no more print statements in SConscripts?


Hi folks; I know I've been out of the loop recently, lots going on. Great work 
getting the python 3 stuff in!


I did just try the default branch (with python2.7 on Windows) and I notice 
print statements (not the function, just the statement) in 
SConstructs/SConscripts are now syntax errors. This'll probably be a big change 
for users. Just FYI.




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