On 10/08/2018 04:42 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
> On Sun, 2018-10-07 at 10:51 +0000, rjframe via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> […]
>> I don't use SCons, but took a quick look; my current guess is that the 
>> problem is the chocolatey installation of dmd and the rest in AppVeyor; 
>> chocolatey doesn't install DMD in %SYSTEMROOT% and I don't know if the 
>> path updates take effect without restarting the shell (my own PC is too 
>> polluted to test this locally).
>> Using SCons.Debug.Trace just crashes with "ValueError: I/O operation on 
>> closed file.", writing both to stdout and a file, so I haven't been able 
>> to test anything.
> Thanks for taking a look into it. It seems like Chocolatey is not playing
> entirely fair.

I'll examine this further as time permits, I have the ability to spin up
clean temporary windows environments with not TOO much trouble, so I
don't have the pollution problem.

There seem to be two D environments (at least) for Windows, dmd and ldc.
The existing tests seem to have some knowledge of both, is there a
preference as to which one is more interesting to get working?

Bill is developing some new logic for locating commands on Windows which
will probably help.  At the moment the tests often do something
different than scons is going to do, which makes it a little
questionable why the tests are doing that, if the idea is to validate
scons :)

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