On 7/8/20 10:39 AM, Rob Boehne wrote:
> All,
> I found a few issues running SCons on Solaris and AIX, that were both
> picked up early in the test suite, so I thought I would post results of
> test suite runs from a few of the less common platforms.   These were
> done on my branch ‘unix_py3_str’, using the python3 version that I had
> at hand, generally 3.6.10 or 3.7.x
> I also have machines with  different AIX and Solaris versions installed
> if that’s of interest.
> These failures are really just the result of a lack of testing – it’s
> really too bad we can’t spin up test nodes for AIX ppc64 for CI on
> github, but if anyone wants to ping me before a release, I’d be happy to
> fire off a few runs on my company’s machines.  It may be possible to get
> a container set up to run x86 Solaris, which would cover a majority of
> the Solaris specific code – let me know if I can help with that.
> If anyone is interested in fixing the failures in these, I’m happy to
> work on that.   It would be worth it just to get more familiar with the
> testing framework.

I can collaborate on some fixes, just haven't had a solaris setup for a
decade or more, and never had access to an AIX one.  I've become a bit
more familiar with the framework than I planned to over the last months.

There's info in the file testing/framework/test-framework.rst, which is
mirrored into the wiki as


which I've tried to update as I learn things, if you find things that
would be good to document we should add those as well.

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