Looks like a great weekend. I'll certainly be heading
over.  There are still a couple of spaces in the car
if anyone's interested. I'll be leaving Glasgow Friday pm,
returning Monday pm.



OK, you've convinced me!  I take it that the shaving part
isn't compulsory. Goood to see you back on the Net.



> Date:    Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:40:56 +0100
> From:    Caoimhin Mac Aoidh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Glenties Meeting
> If you are able to get a good look at the next rising  full moon,
> you should
> see that it appears slightly larger than usuand the colour is somewhat
> different. That is because this is Gealach na gCoinnleach, The
> Harvest Moon.
> This is the time of year when An Gypsey Mor would return to the the top of
> the Big Glen of Glenties and shave without water using a cut-throat razor
> for the first time in a year. He would play for days thereafter.
> It is also the time of year when the fiddlers of Donegal all come together
> in the Highlands Hotel and play for days. This weekend will take place on
> October 6-8th. Free classes will take place on Saturday and Sunday
> afternoon. The new "Fiddle Music of Donegal - Volume 3" CD
> featuring Dermot
> McLaughlin, John Byrne, Derek McGinley, Matthew Mc Granaghan as well as
> Jimmy and  Peter Campbell will be launched on the Saturday. The Saturday
> night concert will start at 9 sharp and feature Byran Gear and Brian
> Nicolson (Shetland), Tommy Peoples, Paddy & Seamus Glackin, James Byrne,
> Jimmy  and Peter Campbell as well as Derek McGinley.
> Beidh saol a mhadai bhain ann.
> Adh mor,
> Caoimhin Mac Aoidh

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