David brought some CDs back from Scotland, including "Sole Music" by
The Scottish Stepdance Company, which I was interested in of course 
because of the stepdancing.  One of the tunes on the CD is "The 
Battle of Waterloo," a march credited to Donald MacLeod.  I have 
adored this tune ever since I heard it on Hamish Moore's recording, 
"Dannsa' air an Drochaid."  Hamish plays it beautifully there and 
Hilda Chaisson's piano playing really sets it off.  I never succeeded 
in finding the tune though; I was misled by the notes to that tape, 
which attributed the tune to J. Scott Skinner -- which didn't seem to 
fit the type of tune, but there it was in print.  Anyway, now I see 
from consulting James Stewart's TuneIndex at www.ceolas.org, that 
"The Battle of Waterloo" is in D. MacLeod's 3rd Collection, which of 
course I don't have.  I can learn it from the recordings so that's 
not so terrible.  The bad thing is that the notes on the "Sole Music" 
CD say "a classic 4/4 march by the infamous Skye piper" which means 
that we must all be supposed to know why Donald MacLeod is infamous 
BUT I DON'T KNOW!!!  So, can somebody please help me out?

- Kate D.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
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