----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Gatherer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 8:57 AM
Subject: [scots-l] Re: Scots Music Quiz

> Not at The Castle Arms, though - and don't call me Shirley. (The pub
> where my Wednesday Slow Session has met for more than a year, and where
> Derek's Tuesday session has met for a couple of months, suddenly closed
> this week. :-( My lot immediately went down to The West End Hotel for a
> quiet wee session. :-) I've asked if we can invade them weekly; the
> owner is contemplating it. Watch this space.)

That's a pity,  it was a good place,  though not very popular with
customers, it looks like!

On the other hand, the West End has a great atmosphear,  at least to me,  it
would be good if you can keep on there.

Talking of sessions Nigel, we still have to meet sometime, lastly I'm going
to the Tass on the Thursdays, not bad, if you can cope with a dose of Irish
music (let's join forces to fight it! ;-)


Manuel Waldesco

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