I finally have copies of the "Embro, Embro" CD-ROM available:


One reader of this list has paid me for a copy, but never sent me his
address and I can't find him in the phonebook - if I don't see you this
week, you know who you are...

Here's the blurb (basically the above page made into plain text):

                        Embro, Embro
          the hidden history of Edinburgh in its music
                        Jack Campin

A CD-ROM of the music of Edinburgh, containing:

* 250 song texts 
* 750 computer-playable and printable tunes
    (ABC, GIF, and QuickTime formats)
* hundreds of pages of historical commentary 
* designed so you can print songs or tunes as you need them
* ABC software so you can adapt the tunes yourself

The songs and tunes are from manuscripts, broadsides, old sheet music
and rare books. Many have never been published before, or not reprinted
for centuries.  Their background is researched from equally unusual sources.
The histories of Edinburgh and Scottish music have never been seen this
way before.

songs on Burke and Hare
regimental farewells
temperance songs
mine disaster ballads
a fanfare for announcing death sentences
a hymn tune named after your street
songs of famine
street cries
14 tunes and a song about Edinburgh's bridges
seven pieces about wells
satires on George IV and Queen Victoria
songs of the witches
what Queen Anne wanted to do with the Scottish royal sceptre
children's games
tunes for the old trade guilds
songs by Lady Nairne
reels by Anon
the music of the Porteous Riot
songs about golf and curling
a Chartist anti-war song
a beer commercial of 1839
a hymn for repentant prostitutes
a strathspey by a 19th century busker
a reel by an 18th century earl
a lynch mob song
songs about newfangled electric street lights
a jig about theatrical censorship
a Tory song against the right to vote
centuries of military incompetence set to music
supernatural ballads
football songs
police marches
fishermen's songs
tunes for bankers
feminist songs
Masonic tunes
four-part hymn settings
prison songs
tunes for fiddle, pipes, lute, piano, harp, flute, fifes, recorder,
   trumpet, bugle and guitar
multiple versions of tunes back to their earliest forms
sex, drink, drugs, bigotry and mindless violence
songs in Scots, English, Gaelic and French
the astonishing stories behind familiar tunes
learn which character famed in folksong had three testicles
period reportage, polemic and poetry
Scots glossary
unequalled chronology of the city's history

Macintosh and Windows/ISO dual-format.  Needs a web browser (not supplied;
almost any web browser, even text-only).   Works fast even on very old and
low-spec computers.  Long-term support with free updates via the Internet
for registered users.  No tricky code; won't turn into a beermat in five
years' time from software incompatibilities.


      Scottish music as urban music

   The Smoke and Utter Ruin of the Bloody City of Edinburgh
      the town as viewed from outside

   Just As Good As You, Sir
      arrivals and welcomes

   Who's Got Feet Like Arthur's Seat?
      places around the city

   The Oldest Cheeses Have the Most Mites
      great families and big houses

   Sluttish, Nasty and Slothful
      the people of Edinburgh

   If My Heart It Should Break, I Wad Never Get Free
      work, trades and occupations

   Dangerous and Filthy Demonstrations of Tumultuous Joy
      sport, play, fun and the arts

   I Thought It Lang To Lie My Lane
      love and sex

   Hushie Ba My Bairnie
      mothers, children and school

   Buy My Caller Herrin
      street life, street cries and street music

   To Brotherhood Great Powers Belong
      clubs, cliques and conspiracies

   Oh, Let Me Aff This Ae Time
      crime, police and the law

   There's Nae Germs Aboot the Hoose
      disease and disaster

   Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego As Anarchists
      religion and the Kirk

   The Fairest Tapestry That Ever I Saw
      war and the army

   When Order and Law May Be Safely Defied
      politics, riot and repression

   The Flowers of Edinburgh
      a miscellany of tunes

   Sad's the Day I Ran Away From Edinburgh Town
      departures and farewells

      A Calendar of Edinburgh Celebrations
      Scots Glossary

   User Guide

Ordering Information

19.50 pounds (including postage & packing to Europe or North America).

Payment in UK currency; no credit cards yet.

Euros, maybe - ask.  Other currencies, not for a while; banks don't
want small traders in the UK selling to Americans, Canadians or
Australians so these might have to wait until I can find somebody
to hold stocks or handle payment for me in those countries.

Can I Try It Out?

I've put up a similar work for free downloading as a sampler.  It's on
a much smaller scale but uses the same techniques:

   Music of Dalkeith: <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/dalkeith/Dalkeith.htm>

Dalkeith is a small market town five miles south of Edinburgh and not
far from where I now live.  I presented this in October 2000 as a
lecture/concert (with a scratch band made up of me and my friends)
to the Dalkeith History Society, in the ballroom of Dalkeith Palace.
Some of the music we played had been written specifically for that
room and had not been played in it for 200 years.  I found more than
enough material for a performance an hour and a half long.

Contact information

 <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/>   me
 <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/embro/>  the CD-ROM

Email: preferably to "embro" at the site I'm posting from;
       "jc" is getting so overwhelmed with spam that its
       days as a useful address are numbered.

Jack Campin  *   11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU, Scotland
tel 0131 660 4760  *  fax 0870 055 4975  *  http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/
food intolerance data & recipes, freeware Mac logic fonts, and Scottish music

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