> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:owner-scots-l@;argyll.wisemagic.com]On Behalf Of John Chambers
> Sent: 18 October 2002 15:35
> Subject: Re: [scots-l] I've got the virus too - perhaps I can help.
> Ted wrote:
> | > Janice Chan wrote:
> | >   Most viruses are inert on Linux & Solaris as well. Ah the joys of
> | > existing in an environment free from the influence of Bill Gates & his
> | > evil geniuses :-)
> |
> | Most (but not all) viruses are inert on Unix-type systems simply because
> | they were written to attack Windows.  This is not due to any inherent
> | security defects in Windows, but is simply because Windows is the most
> | popular OS. If Unix was as popular as Windows, there would be
> just as many
> | Unix viruses about.
> This is flatly false.  Viruses were prototyped on unix  before  1980,
> the  problem  was studied, and the fixes still work.  The few viruses
> that appear for unix-type systems are usually  very  limited  in  the
> sort of damage they can do.  They are usually found and fixed fast.

Isn't that exactly what I said?  There are fewer Unix viruses about.

> The most common Windows virus now are  those  that  are  embedded  in
> email.   This is possible solely because of something very wrong that
> Outlook does:  If an attachment is  an  executable  program,  Outlook
> interprets  clicking on it as a command to execute it.  This is not a
> design flaw; it was intentionally built into Outlook.  And  when  the
> problems  became  obvious, Microsoft handled them with PR rather than
> software fixes.
> The basic fix for this is simple:  You never, ever  permit  atuomatic
> execution  of  code that was received from another machine.  Anything
> that does this is a wide-open security hole.

But by your own admission, Outlook doesn't permit automatic execution
of attachments, you have to click on them.  If you don't want to execute,
don't click. Also, Outlook isn't Windows - it's an application which
runs under Windows. Anyone who doesn't like it can use another email

> Similar stories exist with other software.  There was a funny  report
> last  week  that  argued  that  linux had more security problems than
> Windows.  The numbers  were  counts  of  problem  reports  on  public
> security sites. The explanation, of course, is that when problems are
> found on unix systems, they are publicised.

This looks like a "PR solution" to me. Given the relatively small number
of Linux users, I would have thought that this report was worthy of
serious consideration.

> Vendors  are  typically
> given  only a few weeks to fix the problem, and then descriptions are
> posted.  If the problems aren't fixed fast, first  details  and  then
> exploits are published. This gets the attention of vendors.
> On linux and the BSD clones, the source code is public,  so  even  if
> the  vendors  can't or won't fix a problem, there are plenty of users
> who can and will.  Being the first to come up with a fix gets  one  a
> certain amount of honor, so people compete to fix problems.

There's a certain illogicality here. You've already said

"Since then, the unix user community has had a lot of people who are on
the lookout for this sort of problem. When spotted, the problem is
publicised, the vendor is told to fix it.  Now.  It gets fixed."

If that's the case, why should users need to fix a problem?

> Microsoft has a history of sitting on security problems for months or
> years,  and threatening the people with prosecution if they publicise
> problems. Microsoft's licenses often explicitly forbid telling others
> about problems you may find.  Here in the US, the DMCA is a good tool
> for this.  This law makes it illegal to publicise security holes in a
> company's software products, under the guise of copyright protection.
So Microsoft's licences tell people they should obey the law! That's a
problem? Or would you rather have a system where everyone chooses for
themselves what laws they will obey?

> So Microsoft's software is inherently  much,  much  worse  than  unix
> software  from  a  security viewpoint.  But it's the user communities
> that make the  difference.   Unix  users  are  mostly  intolerant  of
> security problems, insist on publicity, and want fixes now. Microsoft
> users accept PR "solutions" and suppression of problem  reports,  and
> continue to use software after problems have been made public. So the
> problems will continue.

As far as I can see, the principal characteristic of the "Unix user
community" is to criticise Microsoft and Windows at every opportunity.
Windows users don't seem to be nearly as prone to bashing the
competition, perhaps because they're getting on with productive work
using the world's best-selling software, rather than writing their
own fixes for OS bugs :<)



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