Evidence has been found that the legend of Buckfast is passed through the 
the oral tradition. At a recent performance of the ancient scottish mummers
play "The Galoshin" the following stanza was delivered by the doctor
(shaman) who restores life in the play.

" God gave the weegies, cryptosperidium,
Wae wan drink o waater, he tried tae git rid ae thum,
But this auld doctor here, has a cure that will last,
We'll blooter the virus, wae intravenus Buckfast.

 A buck is a male deer and as the king of the forest, has long been the
symbol of fertility and life everlasting. "Fast" is here used in the sense
of held securely. Thus Buckfast holds life abundant in safety.
 One other possible interpretation is that the monks are in it for a -----
Fast Buck!!!

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