Jim Dawson wrote:

> Alan MacDonald...... in fact wrote a thesis on the subject of pibroch and
> his conclusion was that modern pibroch,
> to which you refer was actually a fabrication of what real pibroch was.

And is not 'real pibroch' also a fabrication?!? Or did it arrive with the rest
of the Universe..(and where did that come from etc.)? I raise the point not to
score a point, but because I think the discussion is touching something
essential about being human, and it does no harm to acknowledge it. The issue
is one of freedom and order - either of which may lead to hell if not balanced
by the other.
Pibroch I regard as SEP (Someone Else's Problem, to quote Hitchhiker's Guide
to the Galaxy), but I have picked up enough to know that a lot of the
arguments about pibroch are not really about music or aesthetics, but people's
personalities or characters. When the *sense* has gone out of something
through a process of chinese whispers, certain types will cling on to the
*letter* out of insecurity, ignorance or whatever. It seems that Alan's
efforts are in rediscovering the sense of pibroch, particularly in its
relation to Gaelic song, so good luck to him.
As for improvisation - there's no need to have a problem with it, it's
always(?) been a part of trad music, but if it's not your thing, there are
still plenty of great tunes to play.

Matt Seattle
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