On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Toby Rider wrote:

> amymusic wrote:
> > Also, could someone send me a list of some primarily Scottish and Irish Gaelic 
> > singers and the best places to buy their albums? I would appreciate it very 
> > much.

You might try contacting Trueman Matheson. His company Siol Cultural
supplies all sorts of Gaelic songbooks, as well as learning materials,
and other Gaelic books. Also as part of his service, he supplies a
number of recordings by some of the best singers. These are mainly
Scottish Gaelic resources, but there are certainly others he can get,
I assume. 

Web-site:       http://www.gaelicbooks.com
e-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


        Bidh mi 'gad fhaicinn!!!

        IWK Children's Hospital Telethon - May 31st & June 1st, 2003
                $4.1 Million for 2003 - Can we do better? Yup!!

 <<<<<   An ni\ a thig leis a' ghaoith, falbhaidh e leis an uisge. >>>>>
 George / Seo\ras Seto

 e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <- Main
 e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <- Alternate - Large Files

 url: http://www.geocities.com/george_seto.geo         | My stuff
 url: http://www.corvuscorax.org:8080/~gseto/creighton | Helen Creighton

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