I am pleased to announce a new home for the Fiddler's Companion at
and thanks to Paul Mitchell of UNC for his help in finding a new home for the index and contacting the necessary folks to help.
This represents the first posted updating of the F/C in four-and-a-half years, and is a greatly expanded version of the index at Ceolas.  There are thousands of new, corrected and enhanced entries, plus nearly a tripling of the tunes in abc format.  For those who may have linked or bookmarked to the index, please change the URL to the ibiblio version, as, not only is it twice as large, but it will be the version I actively maintain.
The index is presented in alphabetical files (the search engine is building), and crossrefereces are linked for easy reference.  Best of all, the files are presented without the search engine, making browsing possible for the first time.
As always, thanks to those on Scots-L who have been generous with their encouragement, support, information etc., whose help has been invaluable.
Andrew Kuntz

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