> I am toying with the idea of splitting the list into two or possibly three.
> 1) slug-announce list  -- low traffic with mostly just the formal notification 
> of the monthly meeting and any other "announcements"

I like this idea, this list should be moderated and be low traffic so I think 
some people will just want to join this one so they can get official notice of 
meetings and other events.

> 2) slug-chat  -- medium traffic the standard mailinglist stuff
> and possibly 3) slug-off-topic  scurrilous rumours and cars for sale etc

I don't like this idea. Threads tend to drift on and off topic, and having 
threads go across two different mailing lists would be tricky. Also the 
definition of Off-Topic is unclear, is this list for Linux users in Scotland, 
Open Source operating systems or Computers? Currently the list seems to be for 
messages who would interest a significant proportion of the members of the 
group and I like it that way.

Perhaps a policy requesting descriptive subject lines (and changing them if 
the topic of the thread changes,) so that people can ignore threads that are 
of no interest, would be better. Also perhaps requesting that messages not 
related to Computing should be tagged by "[OT]" to allow automated filtering.

Steven Murdoch.

Scottish mailing list

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