On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, John Ollason wrote:
> > > under GCC and GPC (legacy code in Pascal). DELL kit looks appealing, but
> > > is there any body who can supply me (even at a price) with the operating
> > > systems set up and running as I would like them?
> >
> > I have bought several machines from Digital Networks (www.dnuk.com),
> > mostly their Workstar 210 basic workstations, which I'm happy with.
> I have also bought a product from this company and in my opinion I would not
> recommend them. I have sent you more details off list. If anyone else wants a
> copy please ask me off-list.

Sorry to hear that they're actually as dodgy as every other hardware
company I ever had to deal with.  Maybe Transtec are worth a look then
(bound to be horror stories there too though).

Dr. Brian O. Smith ----------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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            King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JR, UK.
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