--- Robert Lazzurs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 10:13, Rob Hamilton wrote:
> > If you have acpi is working have you tried
> throttling
> > the cpu? I've a simple script I sometimes run on
> my
> > vaio qr20 that monitors temp and throttles down if
> > needed. 
> Could you post the script somewhere so that others
> can use it?  (I know
> it is easy enough for you and I to do but that is
> not the case for all
> on this list)

folks first check acpi is supporting temperature and
by cating
(state - is normal)
you can set the throttling state by (say)
echo 4 >/proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/throttling
to set state 4

The script is very crude but it keeps me knees cool:)
run in  xterm as root.
hope its useful to someone


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