On Sunday 22 Jun 2003 10:37 pm, ed wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:18:58 +0100, Phil Deane
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi Folks
> >
> >I am ruining Mandrake 9.1, on a p3 800MHz with 320Mb PC133 RAM.
> Ruining?

Dammed spellcheckers :) But almost :) I do tend to "experiment" a bit too much 

> >KDE 3.1 on startup takes about 25 seconds which although doesn't sound
> > long, seems to take an eternity. I know there are Wm's which load up
> > quickly, but Kde is what I like.
> That's a point. My system is a humble k62-450 with 384 MB RAM, slower
> than 133 IIRC. Should that be expected to cope with Mandrake 9.1?

Dont get me wrong, it does cope, and quite well, but KDE is a resource hog. I 
just want a speed increase. Open Office can take a while to open as well.

For example CD's, I dont feel confident burning at more than 16x, and audio at 
8x. I dont intend to burn audio faster, but with a 52x drive, data could be 
burned quicker.

MPG encoding take twice as long as the avi I am encoding, whereas people Iknow 
with a faster system can do it almost realtime


Phil Deane

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