On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:07:00 +0100, David Marsh

>[Interleaved quoting: please read to end for all comments]
>Huard, Elise - D C&W Consultant wrote in gmane.user-groups.linux.scottish: 
> about: RE: Mandrake 9.1 
>> By the way, after 2 years of sweating blood with Debian (Woody, so not even
>> the unstable stuff) (and yes, i am, or was, a newbie), the Mandrake is a
>> breath of fresh air.  The ease !!!
>> (Not that i would give up Debian, i still think some aspects (like the
>> upgrading) is better, and i just like the Debian attitude :-) )
>Funnily enough, I'm coming to a similar conclusion myself ;-)
>Back in 1997 when I was finally forced to admit that my Amiga 1200 was,
>perhaps, starting to become a little 'non-viable' for further upgrades

You too. It got to that point where my 8MB 28 MHz Amiga would require
more to upgrade it than buying a PC. Oh sad day and Commmodore I hate

I started using the net with the Amiga with no real support from Demon
until you downloaded a GUI TCP stack from their ftp stack. Doing that
was a good introduction into Unix.

>But recently, I have been experimenting with other distros on my old PC,
>and I have to say, the ease of installation has greatly improved!

Once I get a USB card in this old thing, a USB modem and Mandrake 9.1
(Thanks Elise) installed one thing I intend to do is install the AmiWM
for that old time feel.

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