On Saturday 13 December 2003 15:28, ed wrote:

> I have no fondness for the Tories either. I only know she is a Psion
> user because I saw her use on on the Glasgow-Edinburgh train and since I
> also used a Psion, a 3a compred to her Psion5, I was aware of the
> difficulties Psion using politicos were having. However if you could
> convince her then, irrespective of her party, I'm sure she'd be a good
> advocate int he Parliament,

yes , all joking and entirely justifiable prejudice aside, party labels have 
to be unimportant here. If they can be persuaded to argue in our favour, it 
doesn't really matter what party they represent.
This isnt really a party issue and therefore, it might just be possible to get 
an honest debate out of it. If we can somehow persuade the politicians that a 
debate is necessary. And a cross-party consensus will carry more real weight 
(and far more likely to attract international attention) than a simple 
whipped majority.

> >I doubt she is/was the only PDA-dependent MSP either. Of course its not
> > only the MSPs that are hamstrung by this, its their support staff as
> > well. Looks like the Civil Service Mentality is alive and well. Bet their
> > pensions are safe though. And the head of dept will get his/her gong on
> > retiral too. Don't get me started. Ooops, looks like I already
> > have.........
> There I have to take issue with you. Our pensions are now royally
> screwed as they have moved us from a final salary scheme to a fund
> scheme, like the ones failing in Private Industry, the folk who took the
> Equitable Life AVCs are as screwed as anyone else and there are still
> too many Civil Servants dependant on thinks like Family Credit to
> survive from one month to the next. We ain't all Sir Humphreys or Russel
> Hillhouse you know.
OK  OK I believe you. 
Sorry, a cheap jibe from a pensionless taxpayer. I was in wind-up mode.
 But I bet the bosses are still well looked after.
> cds

Best Regards
Willie Fleming

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