Ian Robertson wrote:
Has anyone set up adsl on Demon with Linux.

Am hopeful of running router(netgear) to give access once connected in
the next few days.  How easy to configure/test?

It's no different from setting up ADSL with any other ISP in the UK who gets connectivity from BT Wholesale (which means virtually every ISP in the UK at present).

IIRC (I have 16 IPs with Nildram, so my user experience will differ from yours if you only have 1 IP), you'll stick router RJ11 in wall socket, other end in ethernet device (workstation, firewall, switch, whatever) and you should set the router up in bridge mode to let the ethernet device pick up the Demon IP (unless it's a NATting router and you want it to do NAT for you, in which case let it pick up the Demon IP).

_ __/|  William Anderson      | Brodie: The Force is strong with this one
\`O_o'  neuro at well dot com |    Jay: Dude, don't encourage him
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   U  - Thhbt! GPG 0xFA5F1100 |

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