> If you want something that automatically resolves dependency problems, you 
> want either apt or yum. 

And, at the risk of repeating the whole sorry tale, how would I get 
hold of RPMs for apt or yum (given that I'm on RH 9.0)?

(FWIW, I *part* solved my multisync problem by downloading the
source and compiling it myself.  However, only some of the plugins
compiled properly - the key evolution one wouldn't.  And while
I'm relatively clueless when it comes to resolving dependencies
in precompiled RPMs, I'm entirely hopeless when a C compile
falls on its bum.)

Actually, I overstate my han'lessness.  I know more about this stuff
than your average Joe in the street.  And the fact that *I* can't do
something as simple as this surely proves that Linux is still *miles*
away from Windows in usability for the common man. *Miles*.


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