> Hi all,
> I'd like to set up LDAP to:
>  - replace NIS/AutoFS;

http://www.padl.com/OSS/pam_ldap.html (great stuff) and 
http://www.terminator.net/ldapconf/nss_ldap.html should help

>  - provide addressbook storage for evolution.

Find a decent LDAP management UI and go for it...bear in mind that the DC's of 
any entries from external entities will need to be the same as the DC that you 
select for your own directory, which is unpleasant.

(I know of someone who tried to set their bind point to dc=com once, then had 
to add a .co.uk...)

> Does anyone have any experience with doing the above, know of good
> resources to look at etc? LDAP seems to be a real pain to make work in
> any useful sense.

LDAP is Just-A-Directory...if you want to know more about LDAP, there's a great 
IBM Redbook on LDAP, google for RedBook and LDAP should find it...

Oh...and don't attempt anything while ssh'ed into the box :-)


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