On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 18:17:16 +0000, Allan Whiteford

>Preaching to the converted is just so much more fulfilling.
>Alice wrote:
>> This is not related to Colin's email:
>> If someone's sole reason for coming to the meeting is to be disruptive or
>> argue about the cards, than obviously I'd rather they didn't show up, because
>> this is a relaunch meeting for a campaign group, and it'd be a bit
>> disrespectful of everyone's time, as well as self important to think that the
>> most important use of our collective time is to argue with a single person,
>> when there's 5 million other folks in Scotland, and 58 million in the UK as a
>> whole. Its also a bit arrogant - I'm sure you are a unique and special
>> individual, but maybe we have thought of and already discarded those points.
>I'm equally sure you will form a unique and special group, but maybe we* 
>have thought of and already discarded your points.
>* For "we" perhaps read "SLUG", "the other folks in Scotland", or maybe 
>even the Goverment but you can certainly conclude that I'm not 
>interested in listening to a group of people who think themself above 
>listening to me should my point of view differ from theirs.

I may well be doing Alice a disservice, email is such a tricky medium
for judging intention correctly, but it comes across as a group
perpetuating itself and its organisation. I'm sure I'm probably wrong
but it might be worth talking to other anti-ID groups to make sure that
you aren't dispersing your effort.

Thing to avoid is the Judean Peoples Front type infighting.

Best of luck, and remember people who disagree with you might not be

In Absentia Luci, Tenebrae Vincit!            <*>
c.speirs @ equus . demon . co . uk

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