On Wednesday 22 February 2006 07:41, Robert Barbour wrote:
> Derrick,
> As I have not yet achieved Internet access from my Linux machine, I am not
> the best person to ask! However, I think internet access is available from
> most ISPs, independent of your operating system. We have BT broadband at
> home, and I'm ever hopeful that when I have a fully working linux
> installation, it will include internet access. I am sending this reply
> through Scotlug, as you are more likely to get useful help from other
> members. You should register as a member, so that you get circulated with
> current postings ... 

Definitely good advice.

> I would like to connect to the Internet through Linux (I have Suse 10 dual
> booted with WindowsXP) do you know an ISP that will allow me to do this
> I am new to the Internet & Linux.

Well, if you've managed to set up a dual boot box then you're obviously doing 
well - the reset should be easy.

I guess you're looking to get a broadband connection? You can of course use 
dial-up access with most providers via Linux - in that case it's a few more 
bits to configure (you need to configure the number dial, and how the modem 
is attached).

For boradband it's really a choice of cable (NTL/Telewest) or ADSL. Both 
require an additional box. For cable, the box is usually supplied by the 
company. Certainly the NTL boxes will work fine with Linux and MSWindows - 
all the units (various makes) have had RJ-45 and USB connectors - the latter 
(AFAIK) only work with MS-Windows - but even then they are so unreliable that 
most people end up using the RJ-45 with a patch cable.

The cheapo adsl adaptors which come for 'free' with ADSL packages are almost 
universally USB connected and (mostly) only work with MSWindows. I'd 
recommend getting your own ADSL router with ethernet (RJ45) or WiFi 
connection. These cost from about £35 up to £80 and will work with both OS.

Which service is right for you? That's a bit more tricky. I like NTLs 
connectivity (but their bundled services suck). I've used EdNet (expensive 
but well supported) PiPex & Nildram (both the same company now). The only 
companies I'd actively avoid are BT and Thus/Daemon. Have a look at 

If you decide to go with cable checkout 



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