
This is the Linux version of "Plug and Pray Hell".  Your monitor has claimed 
that it can display whatever your graphics adaptor will throw at it when it 
can't. The "Input signal out of range." message is coming from the monitor. 
Mostly I see this from (older) fixed resolution LCD monitors. Really old CRTs 
do not normally show any message. 

On Wednesday 22 February 2006 22:06, Billy wrote:
> If it doesn't work, then try "sax2 -l" which will run in 640x480 at
> 60hz.

This is nearly right, but Sax2 with SuSE10.0 has [EMAIL PROTECTED] as its 
mode. Check out 'sax2 --help'. 
sax2 --vesa 0:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
will start sax2 with a standard vga screen
 If you know the monitor and graphics card specifications you can try e.g.
sax2 --vesa 0:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have a modern-ish multi-sync vdu you could use that to get a working 
graphics system and then yast2|sax2 to configure for the target monitor.

P.S. You might get better answers quicker if you gave out a bit more 
information initially. E.g. this is a display problem, but we do not know 
what monitor and graphics adaptor you are using.


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