Hi All, (Lurker jumping in)

What's the output of lsusb after plugging in the drive?
Are you sure this is a possibly borked drive? Could it be a borked USB
Were any updates (particularly kernel modules etc) installed on the
system recently? Did they all work?
Regards, Mike Insch, DipHE

On 5/15/06, Thomas McLean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Philip,

Yes, tried fdisk -l, it doesn't show *anything* about the hdd. If its
any use, it's a Lacie Big disk 500GB.

I'm not sure if this could be borked tho'


Philip Ward wrote:
> Have you tried fdisk -l after plugging in the drive?
> The system may choose to put it as sdb instead of sda.
> fdisk -l will tell you where the drive is if it can be seen at all.

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