On Tuesday 14 November 2006 21:13, Georgia Thomson wrote:
> Hi everyone.  just checking if any of you have any of the following
> processors lying in your boxes o' bits.  myself and a friend are doing a
> similar project and are collecitng pentium CPUs, I'm also collecting older
> x86 CPUs.  there's beer tokens and / or beer waiting.
> here's the list of what we currently need between us
>  2x P60, 2x P66, 2x P75, 1x P90, 1x P100, 2x P120, 2x P150, 2x P166, 2x
> P200 (all non mmx if poss)

I may have a couple of P200s and I have a P90 but its sitting inside a 
pristine Compaq server of a certain vintage and I think it would have more 
value where it is.  I really must get round to powering it up again. If it 
fails then the CPU is yours. I also have a P150 but its working just fine in 
my Smoothwall box .........
Best Regards
Willie Fleming

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