To answer all queries in one rather long rant-ish email:

* ion is indeed a fantastic wm. I prefer it's predecessor, pwm however, and 
when I need a very fast lightweight desktop, that's what I still use. I have 
a website-shrine dedicated to pwm:

* Enough of that twaddle - what you wanted to know was why do I think KDE is 
better than Gnome?

I've used both Gnome and KDE since their very early incarnations (KDE 1, first 
version of Gnome etc). I used KDE first of all, because that came first (if 
memory serves). I thought it was pretty slow and it wasn't too usable in some 
areas. I felt that things got worse in KDE2 on the slowness factor as well 
(however I was using a PII or the likes at the time). I used multiple 
desktops (including ion!) inbetween for a while, and then plonked for Gnome. 

Whilst on the whole, I have no severe disaffection for Gnome, and for the 
people that use it, however, I find that I often end up asking myself two 
questions when I use it:

        1) That makes NO sense! Why the hell did the developers do that? It's 
logical to do this? (eg: WTF is Behavioural browsing? Why do I want it?)

        2) Why is everything not integrated into easy to find/use menus, why is 
strewn between programs that have weird names. 

Oh - and why is it so ugly, despite all the things that Red Hat / Ubuntu etc 
have tried to do to make it look nicer. GTK2 *is* nasty-looking.

Let's take CD burning as example 1 of how KDE is better:

If I use KDE, and I want to burn a CD, I pop a blank in, it pops up with a cd 
burner. Good. Last time I did that with Gnome, it had no bloody idea what to 
do with it. I spent hours tweaking the program 'Graveman???' to get the cd 
burning working. 

And for example 2, My Ipod:

plugging in the ipod in KDE remarks, "Open up ipod, or do nothing", click on 
Open up Ipod and then you can see all your tunes in Amarok. simply drag the 
music you want to the ipod from your collection and then click transfer.

In gnome - you use a selection of tools, gtkpod being the best I believe. The 
last time I used that fugly piece of turdware I ended up installing kubuntu 
in frustration, just to see what KDE was like in 3.5. Gtkpod never mounted my 
ipod properly once and when i mounted via command line, it would unmount it 
corrupt via the interface after transferring the tunes. Bad, broken software 
that works on some pcs, but not others, is not welcome on my pc. KDE stuff 
generally has more options, is more mature than Gnome apps, and works faster.

Don't take my word for it, listen to the words of Linus Torvalds himself, or 
the recent critique on KDE vs Gnome in Linux Format.

Gnome sucks. Plain and simple. It's ugly and its never worked quite right. KDE 
is almost there, although I don't understand why they use such stupid names 
for all their software!

The end :)

On Tuesday 05 December 2006 18:37, Aidan Skinner wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 18:26 +0000, William Anderson wrote:
> > Alistair J. Ross wrote:
> > > Kubuntu - without a doubt, the best Linux distro there is.
> > >
> > > Plain Ubuntu is all very well, but Gnome is just nasty and there is no
> > > getting away from it.
> >
> > Ubuntu is exceptional - can you elaborate on why Gnome is "nasty"?  I
> > personally prefer Gnome over KDE, so would be interested to hear your
> > comments.
> Real people use ion.
> - Aidan
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