On Wednesday 18 February 2009 12:00:02 Georgia Thomson <geor...@grrl.co.uk> 
> no, it's standard grade up here.  but if the gcse was more useful than
> it currently is, then the scottish system would pretty much be forced to
> change to match the english standard, or leave the scottish students at
> significant disadvantage
> Colin Speirs wrote:
> > Are GCSE's a thing in scotland?
> >
> > Isn't education a devolved matter?
> >
> > col> 

I have now received this:

> Various LUGs are criticising the wording of this, but I think it's 
> broadly a good idea.  There's also
> http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/gcserealcomp
> which is more general but could still support FOSS in a big way:
>   "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Expand the GCSE
>   curriculum to include a "real" computing skills course."

We already have a GCSE equivalent course/qualification that requires
students to learn some HTML, take part in community projects and learn
about Open Systems and FOSS. Since we are making headway in Malaysia and
several EU countries partly helped by EU grants, rather than trying to
change the government attitude to GCSE which is a minority IT
qualification in English schools in any case, back the INGOTs from grass
roots with viral marketing and we bypass GCSE and the politics
Ofqual Accredited IT Qualifications
A new approach to assessment for learning
www.theINGOTs.org - 01827 305940

I should perhaps add by way of excuse/explanation, that I am suffering 
acute pain, treated with extremely strong prescription painkillers, and am 
therefore not as 'sharp' as perhaps I could be. If my forwarding of the 
original message has caused offense I apologise. I do do what I can to 
promote the cause of Free Software and an awareness of it utility. To that 
end I recommend the following, 
http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/fsfe-uk which will keep all those 
who share my interests informed.

John Seago
GNU/Linux Registered User No. #219566 http://counter.li.org/

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