On Monday 07 September 2009 13:00:02 "John Gordon Ollason" 
<j...@houseofdeer.co.uk> wrote:
> Greetings,
> My aged system is due to be replaced. I should like to find a supplier
> of   linux friendly hardware who would sell me a system without Windows.
> Can anybody recommend a local supplier in the Aberdeen area, or nearby?
> Thanks,

My previous system burnt out is CPU various other bits in January, Reboot 
checked it over and disposed of it for me. On their recommendation I took 
out the hard-drives and went to a local independent computer store that 
builds to order and got them to build me a linux compatible box with an 
AMD CPU, (my preference) and future proof it as far as possible. They 
checked that all the separate components were linux friendly and that they 
would all be linux friendly together, built me a 64bit machine with extra 
fans for a little over £250·00, (on board graphics), and that included a 
large case so I could get my hands in it to change drives etc. You may 
have to have sata drives, as boards have moved on since I had the last one 
built. I was pleasantly surprised by their interest in building a linux 
friendly machine.

John Seago
GNU/Linux Registered User No. #219566 http://counter.li.org/
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