On Monday 15 Nov 2010 10:32:49 Jason Irwin wrote:
> I've got Ubuntu 10.10 running on an old laptop and every now and again it
> has a grump with X and is a pain in the arse (pretty sure it's a loose
> connection as sometimes the BIOS moans it can't find any video).  Anyway, I
> can usually get to TTY which is cool.
> So I am sat in a cafe thinking "TTY's not so bad, I've got w3m installed
> and I just want to read the news anyway..." and that's where I came
> unstuck. Could I figure out how to connect to a network from the CLI? 
> Could I buggery.  The cafe's network was already known to "Network
> Manager"*, so is there any handy-dandy command line kung-fu I can apply to
> use that definition?  Or will I have to go the long-way-round and use
> "wpa_supplicant" or something?

there is a cli client cnetworkmanager 
(http://vidner.net/martin/software/cnetworkmanager/) not used it myself 
though. alternativly you might want to look at using wicd instead of nm



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