========  The Scout Report                                            ==
========  April 2, 1999                                             ====
========  Volume 5, Number 47                                     ======
======                                   Internet Scout Project ========
====                                    University of Wisconsin ========
==                              Department of Computer Sciences ========

==   I N   T H E   S C O U T   R E P O R T   T H I S   W E E K  ========

====== Subject Specific Reports ====
1.  Scout Report for Science & Engineering and KIDS Report

====== Research and Education ====
2.  109 - A Visual Interpretation of the Table of Elements -- chemsoc
3.  Electronic Briefing Book: US Policy in Guatemala, 1966-96
4.  National Oceanographic Data Center
5.  Women Writers Project -- Brown University
6.  World Economic Situation and Forecast for 1999
7.  American Factfinder -- Census Bureau
8.  Dictionary of Sensibility
9.  1998 Library & Information Statistics Tables (LIST)

====== General Interest ====
10. Two New Van Gogh Sites
11. The Picture Collection - Time, Inc.
12. American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy 1999 -- CCFR
13. The Week in Europe
14. AFRO-American Almanac
15. Artcyclopedia: the Guide to Museum-Quality Art on the Internet
16. America's Best Graduate Schools -- US News
17. Two Resources for Consumers

====== Network Tools ====
18. Gecko Layout Engine (Developer Preview)
19. GestLab Download

====== In The News ====
20. Refugee Crisis in the Balkans

Copyright and subscription information appear at the end of the Scout
Report. For more information on all services of the Internet Scout Project,
please visit our Website: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/

If you'd like to know how the Internet Scout team selects resources for
inclusion in the Scout Report, visit our Selection Criteria page at:

Feedback is always welcome: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

====== Subject Specific Reports ====

1.  Scout Report for Science & Engineering and KIDS Report
Scout Report for Science & Engineering
KIDS Report

Volume 2, Number 14 of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering is
available. The In the News section annotates ten resources on the tenth
anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the worst oil disaster in US
history. The March 30 issue of the KIDS Report, written by and for K-12
students, comes to us from students of Whitehorse Middle School in Madison,
Wisconsin. This issue features Internet resources on Native American
culture. [MD]

====== Research and Education ====

2.  109 - A Visual Interpretation of the Table of Elements -- chemsoc [.pdf]

Provided by chemsoc, the chemistry societies network, this new site offers
an attractive and informative visual interpretation of the periodic table.
Blending the work of artists and chemists, the site features
computer-generated interpretive images, descriptions and histories, and a
link to a data sheet in .pdf format, for each of the 109 elements. The
site's contributors have also collaborated to produce Periodic Landscapes,
computer-generated models based on various patterns and relationships
within the periodic table. These graceful and other-worldly images will be
accompanied by interpretive material and annotated animations. Users may
also choose from a selection of landscapes to send as electronic postcards.
Additional resources include a history of the periodic table and a
selection of desktop patterns and screensavers (Windows NT/95/98). [MD]

3.  Electronic Briefing Book: US Policy in Guatemala, 1966-96

The National Security Archive, a non-governmental research institute hosted
by George Washington University (reviewed in the September 20, 1996 Scout
Report), has collected and placed online another invaluable collection of
previously classified US foreign policy documents. This time, the Archive
has turned its attention to US involvement in Guatemala, creating an
Electronic Briefing Book of 32 digitally imaged primary documents related
to policy in Guatemala and spanning the years 1966 to 1995. The documents
-- secret cables, letters, and briefing papers from the CIA, Defense
Intelligence Agency, and State Department -- are offered in chronological
order with concise and helpful annotations. Researchers might consider this
Briefing Book, which reveals extensive knowledge of human rights abuses in
Guatemala by the US intelligence community and State Department, as a
companion to the recent report, "Guatemala: Memory of Silence," produced by
the Guatemalan Historical Clarification Commission (CEH) (reviewed in the
March 5, 1999 Scout Report). [MD]

4.  National Oceanographic Data Center
NODC online data

One of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) three
data collections, the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) is "the US
repository and distribution facility for global ocean data." The NODC holds
global data (available as databases via the NODC online data access page)
"that describe the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of
the ocean water column from the sea surface to the sea floor." Global data
are available in separate collections including global temperature and
salinity profiles, water temperatures for coastal US, marine environmental
buoy data, archives of sea level, and global ocean observation data, among
others. Each database may be accessed separately and is accompanied with
instructions for use and retrieval. In addition to providing data, the NODC
homepage offers links to research laboratories, library and information
services, information regarding data submissions, and NODC's Top Ten
Questions about the Ocean. For researchers or serious students of
oceanography, this is an outstanding resource. [LXP]

5.  Women Writers Project -- Brown University

The Brown University Women Writers Project has recently published the
beta-test version of an online textbase. The textbase is a collection of
primarily pre-Victorian (1450-1850) literature written by women. The
initial release of the textbase will include over 200 texts, and 50 to 100
more will be added in the first year. The collection spans a wide array of
topics and genres, providing a unique and valuable resource for the study
of women's writing in English. The textbase will be freely available until
the final version is released, tentatively scheduled for August 1, 1999.

6.  World Economic Situation and Forecast for 1999 [.pdf, 61p.]

Produced by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (ESA), this
new report offers a review of the worldwide economic situation in 1998 and
a forecast for 1999. Offered in .pdf format, the report contains a global
overview and six chapters analyzing Developed Economies, Economies in
Transition, Developing Economies, International Trade, Financial Markets,
and Official Development Finance and Debt. Eleven statistical tables are
also provided. [MD]

7.  American Factfinder -- Census Bureau [Java]

This new "data access and dissemination system" from the US Census Bureau
offers easy access to some of the Bureau's largest data sets. Users can
create a variety of tables, reports, or maps with information on their
community, the economy, or American society in just a few steps. Users will
have three options for accessing data: Quick Tables and Thematic Maps,
which offer predefined reports on the most widely used statistics; Detailed
Tables, which require several selections (such as geographic area and time
frame); and Build A Query, which requires a few more steps. Note that the
Industry and Business Facts section will not be available until the release
of the 1997 Economic Census data (currently overdue). Help files, a FAQ,
and an internal search engine are also provided. [MD]

8.  Dictionary of Sensibility

The language of sensibility in eighteenth-century Europe encompassed a
number of interconnected vocabularies and offered manifold and varied
meanings to terms such as virtue, imagination, sublime, character, and
community. This online dictionary, hosted by the University of Virginia
English Department, allows users to explore these vocabularies and meanings
through excerpts from primary texts of sensibility. The Dictionary offers a
list of terms (currently 24) pertaining to sensibility, each of which links
to an introduction and a collection of annotated relevant excerpts. Source
and critical bibliographies are also provided. Readers are invite to
contribute to the Dictionary, and submission details are included at the
site. [MD]

9.  1998 Library & Information Statistics Tables (LIST)
1997 Version

Compiled and published by the Library and Information Statistics Unit
(LISU) at Loughborough University, these tables offer "a broad overall
perspective of the Library and Information scene in the UK." Users can
consult the tables to discover statistics such as the number of national,
public, and university libraries in the UK, their expenditures and
acquisitions, professional staff, borrowing trends, and many others.
Additional sections on public library services for children and publishing
and book trade statistics are also provided. The 1997 LIST is available as
well. [MD]

====== General Interest ====

10. Two New Van Gogh Sites
Van Gogh Museum
ArtMuseum.net -- Van Gogh's Van Goghs [MSVideo, LivePicture Viewer,
RealPlayer G2]

On March 29, Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum relaunched its site, and art
historians and Van Gogh fans will want to take notice. Although the site
currently only features fourteen of the artist's greatest works, it offers
an excellent selection of supporting material not on display anywhere else.
Scholars and students researching these paintings can access sketches and
studies, lesser known paintings, drawings, watercolors, and digitized
letters related to each painting. Seven works and supporting materials by
other painters who connected with Van Gogh personally or artistically are
also provided. Additional resources at the site include an illustrated
biography and information on the collection and museum events (the physical
museum is closed until June 1999). Launched by Intel Corp. on February 28,
Artmuseum.net is a new venture which will showcase both the treasures of
the museum world and Intel's newest technology. Despite its subtle
commercial motivations, the site does have considerable potential for
students and art lovers. Currently, the site features an expanded version
of the National Gallery of Art's (NGA) online exhibit, Van Gogh's Van
Goghs: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum (reviewed in the October 16,
1998 Scout Report). In addition to the original 70 paintings and virtual
tour included in the NGA exhibit, Artmuseum.net adds an Archives section
featuring sketches, drawings, watercolors, photographs, additional
paintings, and several letters to and from Van Gogh's brother Theo. A
"fully immersive ... 3-dimensional re-creation" of the NGA's physical Van
Gogh exhibit is also planned. Please note that users must register as a
member to take the virtual tour and to access the 3-D exhibition. Despite a
notice on the front page that the first 10,000 members may register for
free, Intel has dropped plans to charge for access, and the site will
remain free to all. After this preview exhibition, Artmuseum.net will
formally open on April 23 with the launch of "The American Century: Art &
Culture 1900-2000" online and the simultaneous installation of the exhibit
in the Whitney Museum of American Art. [MD]

11. The Picture Collection - Time, Inc.

Although this is a commercial site with pictures and images for sale, users
can nonetheless view and appreciate one of "the most extraordinary
collections of pictures in the world" at The Picture Collection from Time,
Inc. An initial free registration is required, and after that users need
only log on to gain access to over 22 million images, including
illustrations, prints, and photographs. Archival materials from many
popular magazines are available here, including images from _Time_, _Life_,
_Sports Illustrated_, _People_, and _Entertainment Weekly_, as well as
material from the recently acquired Mansell Collection. "Mansell
photographs date from the beginnings of the medium in the 1840s through
World War II [and] depict a vast range of scenics, important news events,
and historical personalities, with a special emphasis on art and
architecture. In addition, the new Mansell Collection includes
extraordinary holdings of engraved illustrations, lithographs, and drawings
predating the advent of photographic imaging." In addition to a key word
search function, The Picture Collection offers a special searching and
licensing program that lets you search for and store materials in
"Lightboxes" of your own creation for later use; these are similar to
folders that one might use in a conventional software setting. The program
also calculates licensing fees for images based on what type of usage is
intended (newspaper, magazine, Website, etc.). Research help is available
for those users who would like someone else to do the searching, with one
half-hour of free research offered initially. After that, a fee of 85
dollars an hour is charged; some or all of this fee may be waived if one or
more images are licensed. An excellent help section rounds out this site
and makes perusing this amazing (if somewhat overwhelming) collection even
more pleasurable. [REB]

12. American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy 1999 [.pdf, 41p.] -- CCFR

As part of its effort to promote public understanding of the foreign policy
of the US, the non-partisan Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR) has
sponsored seven quadrennial surveys of public opinion since 1974. The key
question in the recently released 1999 survey, as in previous surveys, was
the extent to which "the American public and leaders support an active role
for the United States overseas." For the most part, the CCFR found strong
support for an active American role in world affairs. At the site, users
can read the full text (in .pdf format) or a summary of the report, which
examines issues such as foreign policy priorities, globalization, security,
the role of the US in the world, perspectives on particular regions and
countries, and the current adminstration's performance. The report also
contains a brief but helpful account of the political and economic context
of the survey, which was carried out in the fall of 1998. [MD]

13. The Week in Europe
Background Briefings

Published online each Thursday by the UK Offices of the European
Commission, The Week In Europe offers a weekly summary of political,
social, and economic developments in the European Union (EU). Indexed by
title and topic sentence, the summaries consist of short paragraphs with
links to full-text documents, statistics, or other sites with further
information. Users may also be interested in the UK Offices of the European
Commission's Background Briefings section. This collection of short
summaries (currently 32) is intended to explain some of the "important
aspects of the European Union and its policies." Many also contain links to
full-text documents and related sites. Although written with a UK audience
in mind, any interested reader can use the Briefings as a concise
introduction to the EU and its policies. [MD]

14. AFRO-American Almanac

Created by Dr. Jack Powell and Donald E. Jones II, this site explores
African-American history from the beginning of the slave trade, through the
Civil Rights movement, to the present. The easy-to-navigate and
fast-loading Almanac offers a number of resources for any user interested
in an introduction to some of the cultural, political, and social facets of
African-American history and identity. These include traditional folk
tales, commentary and speeches, the text of 26 related books (including
works by W.E.B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Harriet
Beecher Stowe, and Henry David Thoreau), historical documents, brief
biographies, and synopses of key historical events. Additional features
include trivia games and a collection of related links. [MD]

15. Artcyclopedia: the Guide to Museum-Quality Art on the Internet

If you are just getting started searching for fine art on the Web and you
are looking for works by a particular artist, Artcyclopedia is a great
jumping off place. Using Artcyclopedia, you can type in or select an
artist's name, and be taken to a list of Websites providing digital images
of that artist's work. For example, selecting Jan Van Eyck yields a list of
about fourteen sites. The advantage of using Artcyclopedia is that they
have already done some of the searching for you. Instead of guessing which
museums might have a digital image of your artist and going to each
museum's site to begin searching, Artcyclopedia allows you to search a
number of museums at once and go directly to their holdings on your artist.
While the hit list does not give you any idea of how much material a given
Website might have on your artist, this does not detract from
Artcyclopedia's value as a good place to start. Artcyclopedia also offers
links to publications, a monthly featured artist, and a master list of
museums that have contributed to the project. [DS]

16. America's Best Graduate Schools -- US News

US News Online has placed its 1999 rankings for American Graduate Schools
at its .edu (discussed in the January 17, 1997 Scout Report) site. The
rankings are taken from the recent _US News and World Report's Best
Graduate Schools_ publication. Rankings are posted for ten broad subject
areas, including Business, Law, Engineering, Education, the Arts, Medicine,
and others. Each area includes separate rankings for various specialties.
The Ph.D.'s section offers overall rankings and rankings by specialty for
twelve disciplines, including English, History, Physics, Mathematics,
Political Science, and others. Ranking methodologies are explained at the
site. Additional resources include several interactive search tools and
related articles. [MD]

17. Two Resources for Consumers
Consumer Reports Bumper to Bumper
Consumer E-News Alert

One of the most respected consumer organizations, _Consumer Reports_ (_CR_)
has put together a nice collection of resources for car owners and buyers.
At the site, users can read up on _CR_'s top new car picks for 1999, view a
list of 35 used cars that are "good bets," print out a leasing worksheet,
get advice on buying a new car, and search a database with profiles of over
1,600 models. Please note that full car profiles are only available to
subscribers, but all visitors can use the search function to find cars that
match their criteria. Additional features at the site include lease advice,
safe driving tips, tire care and car-washing instructions, and a list of
_CR_'s top selections for child car seats. Provided by Sheller, Ludwig &
Badey, P.C., a Philadelphia-based law firm, Consumer E-News Alert is a free
biweekly newsletter that focuses on a range of consumer issues, such as
scams, consumer rights, and business misconduct. The most recent issue
(March 16) includes short pieces on bank scams, pyramid schemes, the Fair
Debt Collection Practices Act, and recent product recalls. [MD]

====== Network Tools ====

18. Gecko Layout Engine (Developer Preview)

The Gecko Layout Engine, an open-source project being developed by
mozilla.org, is the heart of both the next Netscape as well as Mozilla Web
browsers. The engine provides the core facilities for rendering various
types of Web content (HTML, XML, images, etc.) on the screen for use in
different applications. Some of these applications will be "standard" Web
browsers such as Navigator, but the engine is designed so that its
components can be used in any application to display content in a standard
way. This release is a developer preview and provides a browser-like
application as well as a simpler content viewer application. The viewers
support several interesting standards including HTML 4.0, style sheets, XML
1.0, DOM, and other complex and basic types. Both applications are far from
perfect and contain numerous bugs, so this release is intended for
hard-core users only. For developers interested in embedding a layout
engine in an application, document creators who want to tinker with new
document types, or those who want to get a glimpse of aspects of tomorrow's
Web browser, the preview release of the Gecko Layout Engine is a start. The
Layout Engine is freely available as an executable for MacOS, Win32, and
Linux; source code is also freely available from mozilla.org. [CL]

19. GestLab Download
Gestalt Selectors List Overview

The Gestalt Manager, part of the Mac OS since System 6.0.4, allows
applications to know any number of details about the environment (software
and hardware) in which they have been launched. GestLab is a utility that
enables users to see the Gestalt selector information. GestLab includes a
database of known selectors and offers the ability to scan files for new or
changed gestalt information. The Gestalt state of a machine can be saved
and later compared to the then-current state. The Gestalt Selectors List
Overview provides an online list of all currently known selectors and
includes a function for searching the database. [PMS]

====== In The News ====

20. Refugee Crisis in the Balkans
Kosovo Crisis Update -- UNHCR
Violence and Displacement in Kosovo -- USCR
Kosovo Situation Reports -- US State Department
Human Rights Watch Kosovo Campaign
_Morning Edition_ -- NPR [RealPlayer]
Strike on Yugoslavia -- CNN

This week's In the News returns to Kosovo, where humanitarian workers and
government officials warn that the refugee crisis is rapidly spinning out
of control. What appears to be an organized and systematic expulsion of the
ethnic Albanian population from Kosovo has created the worst humanitarian
disaster in Europe since World War II. According to UN refugee officials,
over 220,000 persons have fled or been expelled from Kosovo over the last
ten days, to Albania, Macedonia, or Montenegro. With entry into Macedonia
ground to an almost complete halt, Albania swollen with over 120,000
refugees, and thousands still behind them, the Kosovo-Macedonia border in
particular has become a humanitarian nightmare; little food, shelter, or
sanitation is available for people who have been forced from their homes
with almost nothing. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) has created a special site on the Kosovo crisis, with analysis,
news updates, and an eyewitness account. The US Committee for Refugees
(USCR) has also posted a special report, featuring current news stories,
background, testimony, resources for Kosovar refugees, and information on
how readers can help. The State Department's special Website on Kosovo
features situation reports and reports from the field. Yesterday's report
on the Kosovo Humanitarian Situation offers an overview of key facts and
developments, background, and a look at the current situation. The site for
the Human Rights Watch Kosovo campaign offers a number of updates on the
human rights and refugee situation in and around Kosovo. Today's _Morning
Edition_ on National Public Radio featured several pieces on Kosovo,
including a moving report from the Macedonian border by Anne Garrels. The
entire program is available in RealPlayer format at the site. Finally,
CNN's special report on Yugoslavia includes a feature on email from Kosovo
and an interactive Refugee Exodus map. Users interested in additional
resources for understanding the current crisis in Balkans should consult
last week's In the News and the resources in Scout Report Signpost, the
Scout Report's database. These include UN Wire, the Red Cross's
International Humanitarian Law Database, and the International Crisis Group
(ICG) South Balkans Reports Index, [MD]

UN Wire
International Humanitarian Law Database
International Crisis Group (ICG) South Balkans Reports Index

======                        ======
==   Index for April 2, 1999      ==
======                        ======

1.  Scout Report for Science & Engineering and KIDS Report
Scout Report for Science & Engineering
KIDS Report

2.  109 - A Visual Interpretation of the Table of Elements -- chemsoc [.pdf]

3.  Electronic Briefing Book: US Policy in Guatemala, 1966-96

4.  National Oceanographic Data Center
NODC online data

5.  Women Writers Project -- Brown University

6.  World Economic Situation and Forecast for 1999 [.pdf, 61p.]

7.  American Factfinder -- Census Bureau [Java]

8.  Dictionary of Sensibility

9.  1998 Library & Information Statistics Tables (LIST)
1997 Version

10. Two New Van Gogh Sites
Van Gogh Museum
ArtMuseum.net -- Van Gogh's Van Goghs [MSVideo, LivePicture Viewer,
RealPlayer G2]

11. The Picture Collection - Time, Inc.

12. American Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy 1999 [.pdf, 41p.] -- CCFR

13. The Week in Europe
Background Briefings

14. AFRO-American Almanac

15. Artcyclopedia: the Guide to Museum-Quality Art on the Internet

16. America's Best Graduate Schools -- US News

17. Two Resources for Consumers
Consumer Reports Bumper to Bumper
Consumer E-News Alert

18. Gecko Layout Engine (Developer Preview)

19. GestLab Download
Gestalt Selectors List Overview

20. Refugee Crisis in the Balkans
Kosovo Crisis Update -- UNHCR
Violence and Displacement in Kosovo -- USCR
Kosovo Situation Reports -- US State Department
Human Rights Watch Kosovo Campaign
_Morning Edition_ -- NPR [RealPlayer]
Strike on Yugoslavia -- CNN

======                                ====
== Subscription and Contact Information ==
====                                ======

For information on subscribing to the Scout Report, send email to:
In the body of the message type:
   info scout-report

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Net Scout team member information:

====== The Scout Report
====== Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report (ISSN 1092-3861) is published every Friday of the year
except the last Friday of December by the Internet Scout Project, located
in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

            Director   Susan Calcari
     Managing Editor   Rachael E. Bower   [REB]
              Editor   Michael de Nie     [MD]
   Production Editor   Travis Koplow      [TK]
        Contributors   Aimee D. Glassel   [AG]
                       Todd Hanson        [TH]
                       Christopher Lukas  [CL]
                       Dave Mayer         [DM]
                       Sujani Nannapaneni [SN]
                       Andrew Osmond      [AO]
                       Laura X. Payne     [LXP]
                       Jeaninne Ramsey    [JR]
                       Michael Roszkowski [MR]
                       Debra Shapiro      [DS]
                       Gerri Wanserski    [GW]
                       Megan Waters       [MW]
                       Amy Tracy Wells    [ATW]
           Webmaster   Paul M Schwartz    [PMS]

Below are the copyright statements to be included when reproducing
annotations from The Scout Report.

The single phrase below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing
any portion of this report, in any format.

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-1999.

The paragraph below is the copyright notice to be used when reproducing the
entire report, in any format:

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents,
1994-1999. The Internet Scout Project (http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/), located
in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education
community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number
NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission
is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout
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preserved on all copies.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or the National Science

Paul M Schwartz                     |      Technical Specialist/Webmaster
Internet Scout Project              |            an NSF sponsored project
Computer Sciences Department        |     University of Wisconsin-Madison

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