On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 05:38:42PM +0100, Peter Pearse wrote:
> Hi
>       I have successfully installed one foreign tool chain.
> However I cannot get my second one visible, the compiler.name &&
> gcc.specs files do not get
> made.

Hmm.. if the first one got successfully made, but the second one
didn't, it might be that the build tree is not cleaned in between.

Something like 
$ make CONFIG=meta/alien-tc/yourconfig.conf -C meta/alien-tc clean
should do the trick.

> Can anyone tell me which script produces the compiler.name && gcc.specs
> files?

Those are done in the Building auxiliary tools step, more precisely
the actual generation steps are done in
sb-toolchain-extras/toolchain/post-install -phase.

Toni Timonen
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