Hi list, yesterday I've sent the message below and asked for help, So
far, unfortunately, I've recieved no reply.
Looking into the archives of this list I was impressed by the quick
replies of the knowledgable people here to questions.
Therefore, I send my message once again, just in case some people did
not recieve it yesterday. If you recieve it for the second time, please
accept my apologies.
Thanks, Rafi.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rafi Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 6:10 PM
To: 'scratchbox-users@lists.scratchbox.org'
Subject: cannot reach /lib/modules directory from within scratchbox

Hi, I'm a newbie to scratchbox so if I describe my system or use some
terminology impropperly, please correct me.
The administrator of the company I'm working for installed scratchbox
0.98 on apc with linux suse 9.3 os and kernel.
Within scratchbox I created a target for arm and my task is tol compile
a couple of open source softwares and drivers for arm processor.
Currently, I have no "true" arm based computer attached to the host
machine, so I'm using the qemu emulator from within scratchbox.
One of the drivers I need to compile is a usb driver
Uncompressing the appropriate file, I don't get any configure script,
just a Makefile and one C source file.
When I execute "make" I get the following lines:
make -C /lib/modules/ M=/home/rafi/ft245
make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or
directory. Stop.
make: *** [default] Error 2
Generally speaking, there is not modules in /lib within scratchbox.
This, through, does exist outside scratchbox.
What should I do now? does this exist in some other place so I can
modify the makefile accordingly? or should I build the kernel from
within scratchbox? Please, I need help here.
Thanks, Rafi.
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