2008/6/5 Ray Kiddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello -
> I am a relatively new user of scratchbox and it really kicks it. Great
> stuff. It is not, though, as obvious about some things as I could hope. :-)
> I am trying to document some things for my co-workers and this leads me to
> ask these questions.

There's some documentation available on scratchbox.org, though I'm not
sure of it's current state. A quick glance suggests that at least the
installation section is somewhat up-to-date with the current version,
though stuff has happened since 2005... But the basic installation and
usage is still much the same.

> First, trying to describe the use of the sb-menu application is difficult.
> Describing how to navigate around a VT100-ish interface just seems absurd. I
> would like to be able to invoke this from a command-line or give it a list
> of options or a file with a list of options and get the information into it
> this way. Many ways of interacting with this app would be an improvement. Is
> this something that anyone has thoughts about?


mentions briefly, there's a CLI version of the configuration tool
called sb-conf. It can do everything that sb-menu does.

> Second, I can get information about my configuration. For example, hitting
> the target info menu item and I get the following:
>           Compiler:         arm-gcc3.4-uclibc0.9.28
>           Architecture:     arm
>           Sub-architecture: arm
>           C-library:        uclibc
>           Devkits:          apt-https cputransp perl
>           CPU-transparency:
> /scratchbox/devkits/cputransp/bin/qemu-arm-0.8.2-sb2
> If I am going to talk to someone to get help for some reason, I think I am
> going to need more detailed information than this. Can I get this same
> information, but much more --verbose?

I'm not sure what kind of information you'd like to see? The above
already contains much of the configuration scratchbox really has on a
target. If you want to see the full list, take a look at
/targets/TARGET_NAME.config, though I doubt there's anything useful
there apart of what the above and 'sb-conf show' will tell you.

If you are looking for toolchain-specific stuff (like how it's
configured etc), that's not controlled in any way by sb nor is there
really any record of what is in the toolchains apart from any
documentation carried with them...

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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