Having banged my head on the wall trying to get some scratchbox things working, but seeing the value in doing this, I want to try to help document some things and have started to do so, but a few questions I have are holding me back. If anyone is willing to answer them, it would be much appreciated:

1) Choose the correct phrase:

Maemo is a plaform for development that is ( dependent on | related to | derived from | seperate from ) the Debian tools platform.

2) Which of these is true?

- Scratchbox (http://www.scratchbox.org/) is the current version and should be used by most people, even though most of its documentation is old.

- Scratchbox2 (http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/sbox2) is the current version and should be used by most people, even though it is mostly undocumented.

- Scratchbox2 will eventually replace Scratchbox.

- Scratchbox2 has nothing to do with Scratchbox.

- The Debian tools platforms stands on its own and can be used for development.

- Maemo is the suggested platform for development for most users.

It is frustrating that the best documentation that I can find (http:// www.scratchbox.org/documentation/user/scratchbox-1.0/html/ installdoc.html) seems to be more than three years old. But rather than being frustrated, I have started making edits on the wiki. See http://www.scratchbox.org/wiki/Scratchbox. This is pointed to from the front page of this wiki by "Scratchbox", right under the external link for "Scratchbox2".

Does it seem odd to anyone else that the top link in a page on a wiki is a link to a non-writeable page outside of the wiki? This does not seem very wiki-like to me.

I also found this page and will link to it, since it would have been amazingly helpful to find this page earlier, before having to ask a bunch of dumb questions. Did everyone else just find this, somehow, and it seemed not worth mentioning?


It occurs to me that this page might even replace the installdoc.html page and it would be editable. So it could be kept up to date.

cheers - ray

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