On Dec 15, 2010, at 6:01 PM, ext Michael Trimarchi wrote:


I'm testing sbox2 using a filesystem build around buildroot. I would like to integrate the sbox2 facility in buildroot
project. BTW

Starting from here

commit e7370295b0489a4cdf7d896fc736552649429ced
Author: Lauri Aarnio <lauri.aar...@iki.fi>
Date:   Fri Jun 18 15:28:16 2010 +0300

   Version 2.1

I have applied this patch in order to have the emulation working. The SBOX_TOOL_ROOT is not defined and the default is /. But the system doesn't go in emulation mode in the filesystem. Whit this patch it uses the SBOX_ROOT_DIR instead of TOOLS_DIR. Can you explain what happen?

Thanks, the patch you sent fixes a bug (I'll add it to version 2.2rc2). However I think that can't be the reason why you have difficulties with "emulate".

What exactly are you trying to do with the "emulate" mode?

"emulate" is used to map almost everything to the target filesystem; it can be used when you already have a target FS that is complete enough (it must have enough in it to be usable on the target HW, too. Kernel is not needed, but otherwise it should be complete). If it isn't, then "emulate" can't be used. Another possibility is that your qemu is not working properly.

So, tools are not used with "emulate", but are needed with the development modes ("simple", "devel" and "accel"). These modes mix parts of the target FS and tools FS, and create an cross-compilation environment. Are these working properly for you?

(One thing that can't be done with the mapping modes that are included with SB2, is that you can't create target filesystems with it, starting from an empty directory. I hope that that isn't what you are trying to do?)

In any case, the safest tools configuration is such where SBOX_TOOLS_ROOT points to a tools filesystem, consisting of host- compatible binaries of the same programs that exist in the target file system as foreign binaries (e.g. "target"=arm binaries, "tools"=x86 binaries of same programs). And by "same programs" I mean exactly same versions, compiled from same sources. Not those versions that were shipped with your host OS. Some OSS tools are not forward nor backward compatible...

It is still possible to use SB2 without a separate tools FS, taking tools directly from the host OS. Unfortunately that isn't safe with all packages, and therefore not recommended for serious work, but it is an easy way to get going with SB2.


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