Hi *
I'm using screen to "inject" commands via the "-X stuff" argument to a running 
interactive software (much like IRC commands, /msg /scan etc...). All is 
working fine, except that after a couple of days when I send (-X) a single /msg 
command, I found on the screen session that *every* command I gave in the last 
days has also been sent (so, I have not only the last /msg sent but EVERY /msg 
/dcc etc i gave in the last days). I think it could be related to the total 
amount of commands and lenght (usually a few 10-12 of 224 chars in 24-48 hours).

Are you aware of this issue (or kind of)?
How can i solve this? Thanks :-/

This is the command I run to create the session
screen -d -m -S advisamee-1 script -f -c “./BitchX” -a advisamee-1.log

That’s the automated script to “inject" the string
system("screen -S " . $screen . " -p 0 -X stuff '/message send  " . $number . " 
\"Ben fatto! da ora riceverai i nostri avvisi ;-) (Autorizzi al trattamento dei 
tuoi dati ai sensi della legge sulla privacy d.Lgs.196/2003, puoi cancellarti 
in ogni momento scrivendo: cancellami).\"\r'");


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