Hi Axel,

thank you very much for your reply,
| What is strange and confusing in that bug report is that the original
| reporter says he got the error message "terminal name too long. (max.
| 20 char)". But at least Screen 4.4.0 has MAXTERMLEN set to 32 in os.h.
| (So unless Fedora patches that value as we do in Debian for backwards
| compatibility, it's not Screen 4.4.0 issuing that error message.)

in the latest version of screen in Fedora (screen-4.4.0) is this change 
but unfortunately, in the error message is still presented wrong number of 
of terminal name (but in this case the error message isn't shown anymore).
| So for me it's likely that the issue is in an older version of screen.
| The original reporter also wrote something about a pending upgrade. So
| I assume that the version number in the report is moot.

I have asked him to upgrade/reinstall screen package to the newest version, 
but he has still the same issue even with actual screen version. That's strange.



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