
small correction:

On Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 02:00:16AM +0100, Axel Beckert wrote:
> I wonder if there are plans to make a screen release before christmas?
> Because in that case, I'm probably be able to get the current
> improvements from
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/screen.git/log/?h=screen-v4 into the
> next Debian Stable release.
> The freeze for new upstream releases is on 5th of January 2017 and to be
> included, new upstream releases must have migrated from Debian
> Unstable to Debian Testing before that date.

I mixed up things. The relevant freeze date for GNU Screen in Debian
is the 5th of February 2017. (The freeze on 5th of January is only
relevant for packages not yet in Debian Testing and hence doesn't
apply to Debian's screen package.)

> Given the 10 days migration period, the last chance for an upload
> would be on 2016-12-24, preferable earlier so that there's a chance
> to fix potential issues like unexpected build failures, etc. in
> time.

So the latest upload date for me is on 2017-01-24.

                Kind regards, Axel
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