Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 08:03:51, INVALID.NOREPLY wrote about "[screen-devel] [bug #50143] Core dump":
> The following causes a core dump and/or unrecoverable terminal in FreeBSD: > run screen > in screen type > C-a c (make a new screen) > C-a c (make a new screen) > C-a " (get a list of the screens) > , (type comma and hit enter) You didn't specify screen version, but I have confirmed with screen 4.3.1 at FreeBSD 10.3 both i386 and amd64. Final "hit enter" is not needed. > Core dumps, terminal may be unrecoverable > Running FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1 I guess your screen version is 4.4 or 4.5. -netch-