Follow-up Comment #10, bug #36676 (project screen):

Still doesn't work?

I have my custom terminfo entry xterm-256-italic (which does support italics)
running in iTerm2 (macOS), which also support italics. And if I test with
commands like below, then I do see italicized text in my terminal:

- echo `tput sitm`italics`tput ritm`
- printf "\e[3;mitalics\n\e[0m"

However, if I then run screen (screen --version reports Screen version 4.08.00
(GNU) 05-Feb-20), my $TERM sets to screen-256color, and the both commands
mentioned above print the regular text, not italics.

And if I export TERM=xterm-256-italic inside screen, then

- printf "\e[3;mitalics\n\e[0m" prints regular text, and
- echo `tput sitm`italics`tput ritm` outputs standout text (which does confirm
the original bug report, right?)

Would be grateful for an advice, thank you.


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