Nico Schlömer wrote:
I would like to start a series of jobs in the background and log their
stdout in specific files. The idea is to use screen for this, and I
went ahead and typed
$ screen -d -m /path/to/my/exec
which puts the job nicely in the background. Let's log stdout:
$ screen -d -m /path/to/my/exec | tee output.log
What's wrong with using the -L option?
As a test, I created the following alias and ran it fine.
# alias ns9='if [ -f screenlog.0 ];then rm screenlog.0;fi &&
(/usr/bin/screen -S root -L -d -m time /usr/local/bin/program.sh; tail
-99f screenlog.0) && mv screenlog.0 my-test-screenlog.out'
# ns9
That seems to work nicely!
And I know it's finished when I see the "time" output.
If you want to run multiple sessions, then you might need to create a
working directory for each one and start the command in each directory
so that it will always have it's own screenlog.0 file.
Kind Regards
Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP
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