I am trying communicate to my mbed microcontroller via GNU screen. I've
successfully uploaded my application to my microcontroller and I would like
to communicate with my device via GNU screen.

The author of this application requires me to send special characters like
0xF0, 0xF1, .. to my device. Preferably, I would like to be able to do this
inside GNU screen.

I understand that I can use echo -e '\xC0' > /dev/tty.usbmodem1453 to send
data to my device but that is really not what I am trying to do because I
would also like to read the output from my device. I can write a python
script to send data to my device and read outputs from my device but I
would rather not re-invent the wheel.

My question is, how can I send these special characters WITHIN GNU screen?

Code can be found here:



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