my name is Kai-Uwe Behrmann from Chemnitz/Germany. I work as free
programmer and photograph panoramas on medium format film.

The scribus application has an promizing CMS. In order to test it and to
get a look and feel of its behaviour I liked to go in the CMS dialog.
Therefore I created an directory containing Display-/Output-and Color
Space profiles and set the icc-profile directory to the same.
I know them all working with lcms. Anyway no dialog.
I helped scribus with CMSavail = true; but that seems not the intented
After opening an document scribus complains about:
lcms: Error #12288; File
'/$prefix$/lib/scribus/profiles/Display.icc' not found.
This is the profile I selected for displaying. Only I have it in the ICC
directory not the "standard" path as above. Scribus exits with the above
message. Exchanging this well known profile. Now I see the dialog.
Now opening an document: crash, profile not found.
Once installed with root privilegs I use root access again and link
profiles to /$prefix$/lib/scribus/profiles/ .

Huu it works, finaly.

So it is after some fiddeling possible to get it working, here comes my
thought about this behaviour/(bug?):
Why do not show the dialog anyway, no matter if there are profiles or not?
Usually I make things working step by step. If I could at least see no
entrys in the selector I would know there are no display profiles for
instance. The current behaviour shows me two pitfall, all I jumped in, I
see no CMS dialog till I have all needed profiles at once and I selected
the right path but scribus dont really likes this.
... and I found no hint in an readme - the one in
/$prefix$/lib/scribus/profiles/ I found after all this.

Fine it works and shows me options I was never aware of before, wow :-)

Now comes my question to the look and feel, the reason I initially signed
in to this list.
Why do scribus use these kind of lists for profile selecting? Where comes
it from? I have seen this dialog designas well in Karl-Heinz Kraemers
colour-manager plug-in for gimp.

You show one profile selection for Images and one for Colours, what are
they intented for? (Hope, I dont repeat former asked questions.)

kind regards

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