
monica is an visual adjustment tool. Gamma corrections are a basic 
step to achieve a good basic behaviour of your displaying device. Anyway 
it is no substitution to a profiling application with a calibration 

The lack of fine grained control over linearisation and no information 
about monitor primaries make such tools not very valuable for relyable 
work in DTP.

Even though it is nice to play with.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + http://www.behrmann.name

Am 08.04.05, 21:22 +1000 schrieb Owen:

> During the CinePaint thread I installed CinePaint which included fltk 
> libraries
> Then on Freshmeat I found a pointer to 
> http://www.pcbypaul.com/linux/monica.html which is a monitor calibration tool
> Quote
> Monica is a simple monitor calibration tool which uses the FLTK library.
>  (www.fltk.org) It works as a frontend to xgamma. Present on most
>  all Linux machines running XFree86 or Xorg.
> Just wondering if any one else has any experience with this? It seems to be a 
> bit like lprof except you don't get the chance to make a profile.
> Owen
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Mit freundlichen Gr??en
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + Programmierung f?r
                                + Farbmanagement / Bilder / Panoramen
                                + http://www.behrmann.name
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de

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