Le 03/04/2018 ? 13:50, ale rimoldi a ?crit?:
>> My experience is quite different than yours :
>> i allways have snap to item enabled.

> i still cannot think of a document where this is a nice thing to have.
 > can you share a screenshot of a page where you think it's THE way to go?

AMOF, The only guides i use are the page margins. I never create guides.

My pages are generaly simple :
1) title + subtitle + introduction 1 column frame
2) 2 column frames for text
3) some image frames and their legend text frames

For such simple layouts, I never need more guides than the existing margins,
but i regularly need to be able to place items aligned to other items,
like a legend frames to its image frame or other such basic situations.
Snapy items makes it a pleasure.
Creating a guide would be overkill just to align 2 objects on a single page.

And the only case i can think of when I have too many items for snap to items
is when I import a complex SVG or open a PDF.

It seems you care beginers and having a simple UI :

- to me, align to items is way more simple than create and use guides.
The only guides i use are the margins, which are guides allready.

- The align and distribute is fine for some of its features
when i have to deal with 3 or more object at the same time
(like align left or align right, even gaps or even centers)
but some other of its features are either buggy or not understandable
(for example when it refers to margins or page)
And its use requires to select all object beforehand :
more steps than a direct "move and snap" for 2 objects.

> you could also try to download and apply the patch and check if
> it improves your workflow.
> and give feedback.

I dont compile as for now
but I imagine the hindrance would be minimum
and it could be OK.


> if i have clear "lines" where to align things, the most convenient way
> to go seems to be a guide.
> and as soon as guides snap to the items, this will be even more
> convenient.
> if i have "blocks" of texts and images, i go for a typographic grid
> (easily created with the guides managers, in the columns and rows tab).
> and in the cases where guides are not convenient (and there are many
> such cases!), i tend to have too many points, where my items could
> snap: so many that it's not helpful to have the snap to items enabled.
> those are the cases where i keep the align and distribute window open.
> or use the arrow keys to move and resize my elements. (and hope that
> the alignment is good enough)
> in those cases, enabling the snapping to items would simply make my
> monitor just flash green.
> but those are also the cases where i mostly would need the snapping to
> items being available. on a per case basis.
> this is such an example, i've been working on lately:
> https://github.com/CoderDojoZH/resources/blob/master/cards-scratch/breakout-game/breakout-a6-en.pdf
> most of the times i want the items to align to the margins or be freely
> placed (most of all during the draft stage). sometimes they
> should snap to other items.
>> So my proposal would rather be
>> "why not make it standard behaviour ?"
> i think that my explanation above tells you why i think it's not a good
> idea to have it as a standard behavior.
> here again in two points:
> - in the cases where it works well, there seem to be easier way to
>    ensure the alignment.
> - in the cases where it is useful, you often get too many suggestions
>    and it gets disturbing.
> personally, i'm not against keeping both ways of enabling the snapping
> to items.
> but before adding it, i'd really would like to check if the new one
> does not make the old one (almost) useless.
> until now i've not seen any evidence that simply replacing the feature
> would not be an improvement for everybody.
> but i've not seen any of your documents, of course!
> ciao
> a.l.e
> ___
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