
I have a MacBook Pro running RHEL6.0 under Parallels.
Using yum, I installed SDL.x86_64 and SDL-devel.x86_64.
Then from CPAN I loaded Alien-SDL-1.425 and SDL-2.531
and all their dependencies.

I copied the bounce.pl script from your web link.
When I execute the script, the square comes up on the
screen for a second and then I get a core dump.

The information with the core dump says...

Signal SEGV at bounce.pl line 53   $app->update($current)
main:: __ANON__[bounce.pl:56]('SDLx:: Controller:: State=SCALAR(0x2026fe0)') called at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/SDLx/Controller/Interface.pm line 39

There were additional lines of errors but I think this might be enough
to get started.

Might you suggest a possible repair?

Thanks for your assistance

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