well you can thank me cuz i set all the computers at my school to start
up at the page once logged on the internet.
its a great site fella

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999 01:31:07 -0500 (EST) "Brian (Ansigod) McCall"
>Just in case you're interested in the happenings (server-wide) over 
>sunnydayrealestate.com (and since we don't have a trendy counter), 
>some data from the site logfile I just got:
>(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days). 
>Successful requests: 564,335 (165,066) 
>Average successful requests per day: 21,881 (23,580) 
>Successful requests for pages: 156,201 (44,706) 
>Average successful requests for pages per day: 6,056 (6,386) 
>Failed requests: 3,845 (521) 
>Redirected requests: 54 (10) 
>Distinct files requested: 499 (451) 
>Distinct hosts served: 6,893 (2,533) 
>Corrupt logfile lines: 108 
>Data transferred: 7,508 Mbytes (2,050 Mbytes) 
>Average data transferred per day: 298,101 kbytes (300,006 kbytes) 
>That's seven GIGS of data transferred this month (two whole gigs in 
>week)!  And I haven't even put up videos yet....man oh man!  There 
>been more individual page hits (156,000) in the first month of this 
>existence than my Hubcap index page has gotten in THREE YEARS!
>Other stats show:
> #reqs: %bytes: directory
>------: ------: ---------
>  4617: 52.28%: /audio/
>297944: 29.23%: /hifi/ 
> 65182:  7.99%: /shared/
>159421:  7.55%: /lofi/
> 37039:  2.95%: [root directory]
>meaning that the audio data take up more than half of all site 
>and that the Hi-Fi pages are requested twice as often as Lo-Fi pages 
>SDRE fans are apparently technologically advanced).
>You guys LOVE mp3s!  The most requested Media files were Theo B MP3, 
>MP3, Grendel MP3, and then the RA files starting with ESTYA.rm.
>Lastly, data shows that there are barely more Netscape users than IE4
>users (only 15000 more hits by Netscape: 287815 vs 272634).
>Hope you were as interested in this info as I was.  brian
>np: Talking Heads "What a Day That Was"
>          :; `:.  .:'  :;     .;'  :' |
>:.        :;   `:.:'    ::  .;'   :'  | 
>:::;:.    :;     `       ;.''    :'   | 
> `:. ``;:.:;  ..:::''''''::..   :'   .| Ansigod
>   `:.   `` .;''           ``;. :.::``| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     `:    ::                 :: `   .| 
> ..::`    ::          :;  :;   ::  .;'| .../~bpmccal/sdre.html
>;''       ::   .:'    ::  ::`:.:: :'  | .../~bpmccal/moam.html
>...       ::     `:         ;' :: `::.| .../~bpmccal/hum/
> ``:::...  ::      `::....::  ::     `| .../~bpmccal/hollow.html
>      ```:  `;...     ```` ..;'  ::'''|
>SDRE    :`    ```::,,,,,,::''     `:  |


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